Salesforce Boost
There is no Sales University around the globe. Most of our Salesforces have learnt on the fly how to identify and manage prospects, develop long-term relationships, manage a territory or develop C-Level partnerships. We enable & empower your salesforce by providing powerful, proven tools, to develop their capabilities. From experienced sales executives to your loved KAMs, field & senior Sales team!
Sales Organization Revamp: Assess, design or optimize your multi-channel sales team:
Route optimization
KAM 2.0, a partnership approach
Sales Cycle: OGSM process, Goal setting, KPI cascading, monitoring cycle.
I SELL YOU academy: 2-3 Day bootcamp with everything to jumpshift your sales capabilities.
Sales & negotiation bootcamp
Power Questions
Story Telling: How tu put your customer in the center of your Selling Story
Dissertation: How to speak to any audience, from big crowds to C-Level
Objection Management
CRM tools overview
S&OP / IBP for dummies: In this 2-3 day workshop, Sales, Marketing, Demand Planning, Supply Chain & Finance understand the sales-brand activities-forecasting-supply-P&L ecosystem and align OP business objectives into by-channel, by-category activities that protect your P&L targets
Bonsai mindset vs Growth mindset coaching: Sales Dierctor, Marketing Director, Comnmercial Head Coaching.
The Problem
Our Solutions
Do I have the right Sales Organization?
Does my Salesforce have the leading, cutting-edge capabilities for an Omnichannel environment?
How to define a Commercial competencies model? We mean hard skills, not only leadership skills
How to ensure a ROI from capability building & training budgets?
How to embed a pragmatic approach to the Sales teams to put the customer in the center of our value proposition?
How to infuse a P&L mindset into the Commercial team?
How to sensibilize and ground a Sales & Trade Calendar that ensures profitability targets across the year?
How to develop awareness & understanding of the end to end inventory acosystem across Sales Planning, Demand Planning, Marketing Goals, Supply Chain KPIs and Financial targets into my organization?
It´s simple: Elevate your Salesforce Selling & Negotiation skills, create awareness and accountability to manage P&L responsible volume & Marketing activities.